
Last updated on Feb 07, 2025

Skins are the visual appearance of a character, which completely replaces the player's default look. There are also skins for weapons that change the appearance of the weapon in your hand.

Additionally, there are the following types of skins:

  • Work skins: Issued during certain jobs and last for the duration of the work shift.

  • Faction skins: Issued by Factions and are replaced until the player manually switches the skin back from the inventory or disables the Faction skin at the Faction base.

  • Admin skins: Issued by the administration when the player is under admin rights.

  • Prison skins: Issued when the player is in prison and are replaced until the player's time in prison is over.

Skins are stored in the inventory. To apply a skin to your character, the player needs to open the inventory and click on the skin icon. After that, the skin will be applied to the character, and the player will be able to see the changes in their character's appearance in the game.

In the game, there are many different character skins that can be acquired from:

  • The Clothing store in the game

  • The Donation Shop

  • Cases

  • Other players through selling ads

  • Events

    • Exchange of event currency in the Themed Shop

    • Calendars

    • Battle Pass

Skins come in different types, such as Standard, Rare, Epic, and Legendary, and can be more exclusive or unique depending on their rarity.